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[ELF文件] [ELKA]SPlayer v1.0.1.3 汉化 (加一个英文的历史记录)

发表于 2008-8-2 21:34:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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31.07.08 Anderstand (
* Fix. When placing a rest remained with the headset button pressed
* Fix. The interval between ext. information and now tracks taken from the interval
* Fix. Now, if error configuration file will write a mistake, not "Country", "Schedule" or something even more neadykvatnoe ...
* Popravil drawing progressbara. Now, rounded to the edges and remains in the "stop"
* Amend splesh. Now the icon is drawn from the upper left corner
+ Prichesal harvesting society. Pleyfayl namertvo can not take out
Required icons splash.png, rewtb.png, rewte.png

29.07.08 Anderstand (
* Fatal to bugs found SGoldX75. This, as it turned out, and one feature leng invisible front. All corrected, fortunately:)
+ Normal restart after lenga rekonfiga
* Extras. Information is not involved in animation. And what porridge is produced ...
+ Display only one track (little whether it is necessary for tuning ...)
+ As with a growing number of add-ons began to appear brakes made the following.
To tel no such goods numerous redravami now step forward and quickly listaniya You can specify config. Fly to health:)
* LINE_COLOR now responsible for the track number, duration and the passage of time
+ After rekonfiga settings of flowers coordinates and also restart

I started to deal with the Obs functions. Spread is not yet ...
Respect for testing Barracuda player at sgold!

27.07.08 Anderstand
+ Giperfunktsiya. Cut down any animation (stopkran peculiar) and not only:)
* You can disable popapy (BEFORE VYKLYUCHIT POPAPY, VKLYUCHI MOZG!). All except the copyright of course:)
* Now normally deployed in re-opening
* Pikoff when you click on the square in fm
* Slightly removed unnecessary

26.07.08 Anderstand (
+ Animation opening folders / playlists. We are looking for bugs.
* Try to remove the uncertainty volume bug

25.07.08 Anderstand
* Amend algorithm animation

24.07.08 Anderstand (
* Optimiziroval some functions
+ Smooth Flipped Pl

15.07.08 Anderstand
* Popravil trifles

12.07.08 Anderstand
* Optimiziroval Forward

11.07.08 Anderstand
* Fix enco由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! (респект BalakinUser)
+ The functions forward in the file configuration keys "rewindtoend", "rewindtobegin" and preserve the Square "savepl"
* Prichesal forward. Speed set in the config. The scheme as at speeds listaniya - the smaller, the faster

28.06.08 Anderstand
+ The definition of the duration
+ Progressbar at ndg
* Popravil targety

26.06.08 Anderstand
Volume on the 16 + levels. At SGoldX75 left to continue to work.
* Optimizing
+ Start a regime without skins. So far only the outline, but they work. Added targety. Checking nested menus on the brakes.
* Now the volume is drawn by two icons. Bekgraund volume and the cursor.
Literally: if the width bekgraunda more length, then the cursor will move horizontally and vertically otherwise.
The cursor does not reach the border bekgraunda at 1 pixel.
For the volume needed now icons: volume.png volume1.png

25.06.08 Vedan
+ Fast at the end of file, in the beginning.
? Delal receive duration. Not dodelal. Encryption as it should pick up. Anderstand look.

21.06.08 Anderstand
* Perepisal function of timing. Led to a common mind. Now works as expected and without bugs.

11.06.08 Anderstand (
+ Screen downloads. Over the idea респект Vedan 'from
* Fix

29.05.08 Anderstand (
+ Move the root drive by pressing'1 '
+ In config keys
    fm-call File Manager,
    nextplayed-into the queue to reproduce,
    cleanpl-clear Pl
* Popravil retention in *. m3u

20.05.08 Anderstand
+ If Square lying in a folder, he will also loaded (and not added)
+ Indicates a folder to a playlist in config. Now really useful!
* Razobralsya with Broken #. There is nothing terribly kovyryaniya not in their functions ...
* A pair of small fix
* Not sq. loaded with Russian title
I can not deal with the addition of variables lengpaka

20.05.08 Anderstand
+ Of the FM playlists can be taken and
* Now the icons are displayed in the submenu
* Optimiziroval ... In general, brought order in the menus and submenus and Mr. Mine ... Grouped. Strangely not noticed that before ...
* Fixed the brakes during loa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! png. They are now all at the entrance (first) crowd ...
* Who were not saved Square - look ...
* Much fix
I do not see the file format of play. I have one or mistake?

19.05.08 Vedan
+ Download language of the text file. File point in the config.
+ Display additional information to play the file (Ramnye functions). In the configuration ordered enable or disable this effect.
Anderstand: When rekonfige and subsequent withdrawal - pikoff. An error in memory probably release

19.05.08 Anderstand
+ Dodelal FM. Works and recursion. Fixed preservation Square on a long "3"
* Fix a lot of work to sostykovki
PS респект Olexandr function for searching files and folder

18.05.08 Anderstand
* Ostalas a leak in FM (272 b. think) and the one which gives pleyfayl
* A pair of small fix. There are no features music downloads at a hotkey. Do not know why not work on the mode #
PS респект DIEsel for fin由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! memory leaks!

11.04.08 Anderstand
* Perepisal entire Square at WSHDR. Who does not understand why or believes that nothing velkam me to the dialogue ...
* Fixes 2 memory leaks. 1) - primary (specifically for Rst7), 2) - the function of downloads Pl
* Naproch rewritten function downloads Square for curvature
* Peredelal some features in order not to reinvent the wheel ... Not all came out. The reason is unclear, because under windsurfing by all ...
+ FM. Yes, and this happens ... For assistance in creating gooey респект Vedan 'bathroom. In principle, everything is ready, but not raboaet importantly - to download files.
Allocation of files similar to MC (why brain load?), Copying the current Square - green button. Exit - left soft, back - right
* Memory is now devoting dynamically (well, almost:)) maximum files - 255
* On trifles, and forgot already:)
Required icon "fm.png"

16.03.08 Anderstand
* Fix missing file
* Fix. Incorrect function. You can not do so badly, Kohl ...
* Another fix in a couple loa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! Square
To understand why not download songs from a folder. How to make - I do not know ...

10.03.08 Anderstand (v0.7.8.6)
+ Only nonempty field ID3 tags
+ Vynes speed listaniya in configuration. The lower the value the more speed.
* Various fix
* Sen由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! the track playing on IPC: Tags now if not empty line with the artist and title song,
tag is sent (like "singer - composition"), otherwise the file name. TEMPORARY PEREDELAL! you can now choose to send.
but if no tags still leave the file name.
+ Glamurizatsiya. Made by 70%. Who does not like - to disable the config
+ The Office for the IPC. Is not guaranteed to work.

   gipc.name_to = imya_poluchatelya;
   gipc.name_from = imya_otpravitelya;
   gipc.data = 0;
   GBS_SendMessage (MMI_CEPID, MSG_IPC, sootvetstvuyuschaya_komanda, & gipc);

name of the recipient "SPlayer" (the register is important!)
sender name "Control"
2-play, pause
4-next track
5-prev track

20.01.08 Anderstand
+ Avtovyhod. Time is configured in config. 0 - disable avtovyhod
+ Function expand elf. The challenge posed when the file is not found
+ Identify and rea由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! the tags version 1.1. As a consequence, the "number" in the attributes (for some reason 0 20 takes over for 0 h00)
* A little direct loaded Pl
* Small fix
* Pokovyryal capable of downloa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! files from a folder. So far, nothing

19.01.08 Anderstand
* Now the size of icons on idle is not fixed, as determined by the very icon
+ Ukrainian lengpak. Respect for the translation t_victor
+ Attached menu. Not working icons (!)
+ Made the "Update" To not have to restart after changing elf *. cfg files (configuration keys are not added because I do not know whether you need)
+ Now when loa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! a copy of it rose elf
+ Sen由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! playing status for the IPC to all who need ... (sender "SPlayer", the recipient "Grantee", to date sent in utf char *)
+ You can change the text font (to start)
+ At the request of workers separate icons on idle
* Fixed error intervals between tracks
* Amend the maximum number of tracks in the list to avoid misunderstan由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好!s
* Tries to remove a memory leak. So to anything and did not lead ...
* Postavil restriction on the number of genre (in some places extends beyond the boundaries of the range specified:))
* Add forgotten Blind007 'th variable in the function where she was to be made ...
* Pofiksil all че found ...
Need icons setsmenu.png, refresh.png, stop_idle.png, pause_idle.png, play_idle.png

31.12.07 Anderstand (v0.7.6.0)
+ ID3 tags. Respect Ganster and The_Zen for provi由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! code. Item "Attributes" on the menu for viewing
+ You can point the way to SPlayer cfg editor.elf in config
+ Now elf supports two languages - Russian and English (like all had taken into account, but still the otpisyvaemsya!)
+ To edit colour.cfg you can open SPlayer cfg editor.elf from the same menu item "Positioning"
* Peredelal item on the elf "
* Ustranil pikoffov reasons, many various trifles ...
NEED icons showid3.png, colours.png. Files colour.cfg, skin.cfg remained unchanged.

15.12.07 Anderstand
* Reduce speed to listaniya ndg (sometimes divided:))
+3 Defaulted on the playlist for convenience
* Melochi

9.12.07 Anderstand (v0.7.5.6)
+ Loa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! songs from a folder specified in the config (working curve and not always, the download - key "9")
Downloa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! multiple + (5 ty) playlists (switch - jyo right-left) - realize the dream a reality! :) Respekt Borman 'tips from the outside in the variable
+ Pavilnoe and significantly improved playlist editing. It is possible between editing playlists (you can create a semblance of a list
"reproduced"). Turn mode in the menu, either disables ibid., either by pressing "*". Move track - jyo center, copy - "5", insert - jyo
center, the movement is navigation buttons, removing - "0".
+ Production track in turn to reproduce (the menu). Looking icon setnexttrack.png
+ Fast Flipped while hol由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! the keys (test. perhaps remove)
+ Ability to disable the "effects" (deman由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! processes) skrolla type of long names in the config
* Ability to specify the maximum number of tracks in the Square in config (effect after the restart)
* Perepisal drawing playlist function. 2.5 kb conquered. Now the coordinates of his location, too, "right":)
* For detail as always ...

24.11.07 Anderstand (v0.7.4.4)
+ Playlist Editing
* As a result, had to file structure reworked main menu
* Again, as a consequence BUGx04 Fixed
+ Harvesting for the implementation of various lengpakov

22.11.07 Anderstand (v0.7.4.3)
* Now is changing skin change one way (folder with graphics)
+ Ukazyvaem in config path to the folder Hit "9" and reproduce all *. mp3 files from it (later will and other formats). Subdirs rest until ... (works curves and not always)

02.11.07 DemonGloom (v0.7.4.2);
+ The definition of the duration
+ Stop the lights when blocking keyboard
+ Progressbar
* Amend configs skins
* Much any details ...

23.10.07 DemonGloom (v0.7.4.1)
* Coordinate Settings / flowers now in a folder with skins
* At the opening of the player card-explorer playlist loaded normal

21.10.07 Anderstand (v0.7.4)
+ Colors take from colour.cfg
* Amend skin.cfg. (Ridmi not rewrote - failing)
* Fixed a small bug
* Amend animation applications. Rather, it was ... (with a stop gaps)

12.10.07 Anderstand
+ Added menu item to run SPlayer cfg editor 'and

10.10.07 DemonGloom
+ Perepisal time ... Kosyakov do not like ...
+ Moving the cursor to the next song, if he distinguished the previous (that is, if you just play-leaf scrolls, the changes did not notice ...)

09.10.07 Blind007
+ Time elapsed from the beginning of the song (There are shoals! Be careful may invalidate ... I do not know when I will reach the hands ...)
  -- Chief shoals should be when the system time on the border of minutes and seconds, as well as pause ...
+ Changing the configuration of the case for skin.cfg

09.10.07 DemonGloom
+ volume level by default

08.10.07 Anderstand (v0.7.2)
+ Positioning the scroll bars
* Amend skin.cfg
* Much any details ...

07.10.07 Anderstand
+ Animation taps 4,6, ENTER, as well as lengthy key strokes volume and headset (for a short not done because
I do not know whether it is possible at all)
* Popravil prolonged hitting lattice
* Amend skin.cfg
* For Detail
Need icons: prev.png, prev_down.png, next.png, next_down.png, playall_down.png, repeat_down.png, random_down.png, repeatone_down.png, stop_down.png, pause_down.png, play_down.png

06.10.07 Blind007
+ Animation key #, 0,5 / / Blind007, Anderstand
+ Learn timetable in this regard for ELKA

06.10.07 Anderstand
* Do not cut in the absence of loaded playlist - instead of the required load it bothersome
* Poispravlyal trifles ...
+ The band scrolling. Made samopisnoy function because I do not know whether there is a standard

05.10.07 Anderstand (Holidays!)
+ The choice of expansion retained playlist in config
* Pomenyal types of variables with a small range of values (also save memory!:))

04.10.07 DemonGloom
* Compatibility with the format retained m3u playlist
+ Lock Keyboard (NO button and headset volume work)

03.10.07 DemonGloom
+ Working with the headset button
* Fixed display of Russian names
+ Any trifles

30.09.07 Anderstand (v0.7.0)
+ Saving playlist for a long pressing "2" in the folder Playlists (until Test)
+ Any trifles

30.09.07 DemonGloom

29.09.07 Anderstand
+ Repeat one. NEED icons playall.png, repeat.png, repeatone.png
Trying to make a determination of the headset. failed.

28.09.07 Anderstand
+ Automatic switching songs (+1 DemonGloom and респект KreN!)
+ For now choose a lattice play mode: 1 (by default) - lose everything, 2 - repeat, 3 - mix:)

27.09.07 Blind007
+ Showing loses file in XTask'e

27.09.07 Anderstand
+ Coordinates random.png in skin.cfg

26.09.07 DemonGloom
+ Made random playback ... Finally something ... Random.png picture put in a folder with player
+ Do not said Playlist Loaded! ... What is this talk? If loaded, it plays music => why do more? (Blind007: This is a plus!)

26.09.07 Anderstand (v0.5.9)
* Vernul in configuration settings icon to idle.
* Popravil format skin.cfg
+ Ability to specify ways to file skin.cfg

+ Pomenyal format skin.cfg / / Blind007
+ On the detail / / Blind007

25.09.07 DemonGloom
+ Sgold
+ Office player from any location
+ Normal management ... 4.6 - switching songs, 5 - play / pause

25.09.07 Anderstand (v0.5.4)
* Popravil terrible loa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! percent in collapsed player (for the idea +1 Blind007).

24.09.07 Anderstand
+ At the request made all the coordinates to file skin.cfg except cursor (if there is need to be - make a)
+ Made scrolling long names. Now they are normally displayed
+ Cursor

20.09.07 Release. (v0.5)
+ If you hold the button 3 / 9 listanie continues / / Anderstand

19.09.07 Anderstand
+ Dobil like navigation (work with young Pl)
+ Added free line (in need in the future)
+ Jyo in hol由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! the buttons down / up, as well as 2 / 8 listanie continues

17.09.07 Anderstand
+ Navigation is now driving! While the size and markedly increased, too ...

16.09.07 Anderstand (Podklchayus to actively develop the project. Pardon, history does not lead, do not remember the date. Maybe something else to do, not all upomnyu)
+ Item "Options"
+ If you stop, then when you press "1" play 1 st track, rather than the current (think will be more convenient)
+ Color of configuration for neigrayuschih tracks, added color to the playing track. I optimize - not enough time
+ Made Keyhook (up a forumchan many, but ultimately made by Source TalkKbd. Thank you-Shadow-for this creature). Switching tracks for a long pressing + and - for short - as ranshe.Eto nightmare ... But there are drawbacks
+ Add track plays in the "1/1/1"
* In postranichnom 2 small bug fix.
+ Add movement postranichno on 3 / 9
* Partially corrected bug BUGx04 (Thank you for advice and Rst7 Captain SISka). Of the menus still rose, because I have not found where it should run ...
* Popravil accidentally found BUGx07. Now when loa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! a new square cursor moves to top
+ Vernul switching tracks. Now all Kul!
+ Navigating the Square without switching tracks ('s happened !!!). Up - down the same keys, jyo in the center - to play the selected track. S! Broken switching tracks: D
* Popravil drawing Square, which tracks mnenshe 6 ty
+ Added drawing tracks, now 6, for easy navigation - meaning the project:)

30.08.07 (v0.2)
+ Changing colors drawing the next and previous track / / Blind007
+ / De display complete file names / / Blind007
+ Prorisovka previous and next track / / Anderstand, Blind007

+ Support ID3Tagv1 - Pikoff! / / Blind007

23.08.07 (v0.1)
+ Ubrano from the main menu confirmation of withdrawal / / Anderstand, Blind007
+ Automatic download a standard playlist / / Blind007
+ Playlist Downloa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! through the parameters elf (not tested) / / Blind007
+ Fix BUGx03 / / Blind007

+ Pochistil configuration / / Blind007
+ Request for withdrawal / / Blind007
+ Izmenil organization, redeployed on all modules / / Blind007
+ Improved switching sound levels to "asterisk" / / Blind007

+ Another organization playlist / / Blind007, Anderstand
+ Downloa由于非常钦佩楼主,不得不说声好! files from playlists, playing / / Blind007, Anderstand
Departing + playback stops / / Anderstand, Blind007
+ On "asterisk" sound turns off / / Anderstand, Blind007

-- Zasada! No I can not download the file into a virtual playlist ... / / Blind007

+ Probuem add support for playlists, get garbage / / Blind007
+ The success - have read the playlist file, but our (virtual) playlist does not want to work ... / / Blind007

+ The functions Pause, Stop, Play / / Blind007
+ Icon status at the IDLESCREEN for ELKA, NEWSGOLD / / Blind007
+ Change in volume during playback / / Blind007

+ The idea to make a skin for the player / / Ganster
+ The first "skin" for ELKA / / Blind007
+ Play rigid file / / Ganster, Blind007

[ 本帖最后由 snoopyhzy 于 2008-8-22 12:28 编辑 ]


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jpg001 + 1 + 158 + 4 + 6 奖励:感谢-你和大家分享资源与经验!


发表于 2008-8-2 22:00:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-2 22:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-2 22:20:30 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-4 10:47:04 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-4 12:34:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-5 17:25:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-5 21:32:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-22 12:26:09 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 布尔什维克 于 2008-8-22 12:27 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-22 13:40:56 | 显示全部楼层
1、3 快进快退
8.8 浏览顶、底
导航上下 上下浏览
导航左右 几个播放列表切换




[ 本帖最后由 snoopyhzy 于 2008-8-22 15:15 编辑 ]


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-22 14:39:37 | 显示全部楼层





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发表于 2008-8-22 15:13:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 snoopyhzy 于 2008-8-22 13:40 发表
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-22 15:19:08 | 显示全部楼层

回复 12# 布尔什维克 的帖子

从工具。。定位 可以配置位置
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发表于 2008-8-22 15:25:17 | 显示全部楼层

回复 13# snoopyhzy 的帖子


[ 本帖最后由 迷恋你的香水 于 2008-8-22 15:26 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-8-22 15:25:24 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-22 15:36:08 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-8-22 15:56:25 | 显示全部楼层

回复 16# snoopyhzy 的帖子

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-8-22 21:24:30 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-22 21:26:55 | 显示全部楼层

回复 18# 布尔什维克 的帖子

看死机记录。。给我。。是不是NO FUNCTION IN LIB。。感觉75的LIB很旧了。。。
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发表于 2008-8-22 22:10:41 | 显示全部楼层
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