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[汉化] 翻译算是汉化吧~~老外6600与SX1选择及其他

发表于 2008-6-3 18:43:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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questions about SX1
« Thread Started on May 8, 2006, 12:51pm » 有关SX1的问题
i wanna buy sx1 but i have some questions 我想买部SX1但是有些问题:
1-how many seconds can it's cam take video 1 录像能多久
2-is it cam better than nok 6600?2 与N6600比如何
3-can it work for a webcam 2 能当网络摄像头吗
4-is the VGA cam is the best of cams4 VGA摄像头是否是最好的
5-what about Bluetooth multiplayer gaming in SX1? 5、SX1的蓝牙多媒体游戏如何
6-can u make the MP3 your ringtones 6、MP3能当铃声吗
7-will nokia games and progs work on it 7、诺加压的程序与游戏能用在SX1上!?
8-is it more expensive that 6600 8、四否比6600贵
9-will it work with any mmc work on 6600 9、6600用什么MMC卡呢!?
sorry for coparing SX1 with 6600 because it's the most popular phone in Egypt so i hate it..really u can hate 6600 in 10 mins and i think my c65 is better than it because only two guys have it in my city
sorry for my 9 questions   对不起啦,因为SX1与6600之所以比较,是因为6600在埃及是最流行的手机。你能在10分钟内恨透了6600,我想我的c65比它都好因为我们这只有两个家伙用。(it较多,指代不明却,翻译的不好,请多指教啊)
 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-3 18:43:56 | 显示全部楼层
先占个位置 吃饭去 有兴趣的先看看吧

First of all: Don't buy a Nokia phone  首先:不要买诺基亚手机 (PS:诺基亚用户请绕行)
I think I can answer some of your questions: 我想我能回答你的某些问题
1. You can record 1 minute of video with sound, but unlimited when you record without sound. (As far as I remember... ) 你可以录制1分钟有声录像,但是无声的可以不限制时间。(目前为止我是这么认为的。。。)
2. I'm not sure.我不肯定
3. SandStorm said he thought the SX1 would be capable of doing such a thing...SandStorm(就是三楼的回帖作者)说他认为大S能够执行
4. A VGA camera (0,3 megapixels) takes 640 x 480 res. photos. The best mobile phone cameras today have many megapixels and take much better photos. VGA摄像头(30万像素)设置640*480分辨率照片。现在更高级的手机拥有更高的像素与更好的照片。
5. Works fine as long as the game supports it. 只要是游戏支持,运行没问题的。
6. No  Convert to wav... 不能转换为WAV格式的。
7. Probably not... (SandStorm? Do you know?) SX1 supports Symbian applications. 可能不行的(SANDSTORM,你知道吗?)大S支持塞班应用。
8. SX1 was about 200 GBP (when it was last sold as new) and 6600 was about 150 GBP (January 2006).大S大约200英镑(是在最后上市时新款的价格),而6600大约150英镑(2006年1月时候)
9. I don't know  我不知道

Some arguments for buying SX1: 一些对于SX1的参数
SX1 has FM radio and MP3. Nokia 6600 has MP3, but not a radio. SX1有MP3 FM,而诺加压6600只有MP3,没有收音机。
The resolution of the SX1's display is better. SX1屏幕分辨率好些。
4 times more phone memory. (SX1 has 24 mb, Nokia 6600 has 6 mb)是诺加压内存的四倍。(大S有24兆,诺基亚只有6兆)
Correct me if I'm wrong...如果我有错误请纠正
I'm sure SandStorm knows more
btw, you can compare the specs of Siemens SX1 and Nokia 6600 ON THIS SITE 顺便说下,你可以比较下他们的规格在下面这个网站
Quote from forums.mobileburn.com: 摘自forums.mobileburn.com 的讨论
"If the Siemens SX1 ever comes out that will be the 6600 killer!" 西门子SX1的诞生将是6600的终结。
AND IT IS 确实是这样

And don't be sorry for questions. A forum without questions is no forum.而且不要为提问而道歉。没有问题哪里有讨论呢!?

[ 本帖最后由 myadvertise 于 2008-6-3 21:23 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-3 18:44:52 | 显示全部楼层
继续占位,下面的回答是那个坛子的版主回答的 吃饭去 以后回来

1-> you need to find another symbian application for it. 你需要找另外一个塞班程序实现。
For example, ETI camcorder can do it, but record in *.eye format. don't worry, we can convert them later.比如说,ETI camcorder 可以做,但是格式是*.eye的,不必担心啦,我们可以以后转化。
2-> Yes, is better in daylight, but in lowlight, the nokia is best in some situations. 是的,白天看,SX1效果不错。但是对比下,诺加压某些情况下的效果最好。
Btw, I compared both phones cameras, and on my sx1 display, the sx1 photo looked way better. 顺便说下,我比较了手机摄像头和我的SX1的表现,SX1看起来更舒服。
And SX1 have 5X digital zoom, while 6600 only have 2x zoom.SX1有五倍变焦,而6600只有2倍。

3-> Yes, you can, just need some programs  是的,你可以,仅仅需要某些软件。

4-> Here i will give another opinion. VGA can be 640x480 (and i like better the M65 camera) but is we compare one 2.0 MP photo with one VGA photo, and if the VGA have good saturation, good contrast, and not noise, i prefer the VGA rather than the 2.0. 我讲给你别的意见。VGA分辨率是640*480的(我更喜欢M65摄像头),但是我们比较200万和VGA分辨率照片,如果你的VGA拥有好的色度饱和度,良好的对比度,没有噪点,我更加喜欢VGA水平的照片。
Is just to give you the example, that is not allways the resolution that matters...  只是给你举个李子,分辨率并不能决定一切。
5-> just like Iver said 就像是LVER说的

6-> SX1 have integrated MP3 playwer with subern stereo output, while 660 don't, but that doesn't mean SX1 to play MP3 as ringtones. SX1有集成的MP3播放器立体声输出,但是6600没有。但是不意味着SX1将MP3可以作为铃声。
The answer will be no. The way is to convert the MP3 to WAV. 不过可以转换为WAV。

7-> any Symbian Series 60 application will work, expecpting some made for Symbian version 7 (SX1 is version 6.1)任何塞班S60程序都可以,除了某些为S70来的程序不可以。(大S的塞班程序是 6.1)
All the stuff for 7650, 3650, etc will work.  7650 3650的程序都可以用来SX1
About JAVA made for nokias series 60, all will work.诺基亚S60的JAVA程序,都可以的。

8-> I bought my phone new with taxes (from germany to portugal) at only 300 euros unlocked.我的手机从德国到葡萄牙含税的价格新机器只有300欧元(没锁)。
Here, the 6600 locked to network providers was 310, and SX1 unloked was 450 这里,6600锁定网络的是310欧元,大S没锁定的是450欧元。
Just search the cheaper beforw you buy.  Mine was bought January 2005. One friend (our member DireWolf) bought is phone at only 200 euros new. 在你买前,货比三家啊。我的是在05年一月买的。我的一个朋友(我们的会员DIREWOLF)买的是只有200欧元全新的。

9-> yes. Btw, you can give a look here: 似的,顺便提下,你可以看看这里:

allways remember to try the card before you buy it.  记得在你买前试试卡哦(应该是SIM卡,或者是MMC)

翻译完毕哈,不周之初,请见谅。我是在别的坛子里看到挺有意思的。这段对话,涉及到美国 葡萄牙 德国 埃及 好几个国家,哇卡卡,看来深受世界人民欢迎啊~~西门子!!恩,大家关注的问题与国内相似,价格感觉也相似呢。我觉得我们对大S的基本了解与外国相当,至于LINUX开发与研究等,我不敢说什么。基本上,外国二手或是新机交易,西门子的市场还是很大的。我还看到有人问E71与SK75那个好呢!?哇卡卡 就到这吧~~


[ 本帖最后由 myadvertise 于 2008-6-3 21:46 编辑 ]
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发表于 2008-6-3 19:13:44 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-6-3 19:24:59 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-3 21:08:03 | 显示全部楼层
俺回来了 哈哈 谢谢朋友们的支持啊 还有版主的关照 哇卡卡 动力来了
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-3 21:47:43 | 显示全部楼层
翻译完毕 哇卡卡 感觉对比下,他们也就是入门水平较之咱们坛子里的强帖
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发表于 2008-6-3 21:57:34 | 显示全部楼层

回复 3# myadvertise 的帖子

First of all: Don't buy a Nokia phone
I think I can answer some of your questions:
1. You can record 1 minute of video with sound, but unlimited when you record without sound. (As far as I remember... )
2. I'm not sure.
3. SandStorm said he thought the SX1 would be capable of doing such a thing...
4. A VGA camera (0,3 megapixels) takes 640 x 480 res. photos. The best mobile phone cameras today have many megapixels and take much better photos.
5. Works fine as long as the game supports it.
6. No  Convert to wav...
7. Probably not... (SandStorm? Do you know?) SX1 supports Symbian applications.
8. SX1 was about 200 GBP (when it was last sold as new) and 6600 was about 150 GBP (January 2006).
9. I don't know

Some arguments for buying SX1:
SX1 has FM radio and MP3. Nokia 6600 has MP3, but not a radio.
The resolution of the SX1's display is better.
4 times more phone memory. (SX1 has 24 mb, Nokia 6600 has 6 mb)
手机内存是胖6的四倍。(SX1为24mb, 胖6为6mb)
Correct me if I'm wrong...
I'm sure SandStorm knows more

btw, you can compare the specs of Siemens SX1 and Nokia 6600 ON THIS SITE
Quote from forums.mobileburn.com:
"If the Siemens SX1 ever comes out that will be the 6600 killer!"

And don't be sorry for questions. A forum without questions is no forum.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-6-3 21:59:16 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-3 22:27:55 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-6-4 00:23:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-6-4 01:55:24 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-6-4 09:03:59 | 显示全部楼层
高人 会英语的全是高人
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发表于 2008-6-4 09:22:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-6-4 10:22:14 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵  翻译得不错````
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-12-5 14:29:49 | 显示全部楼层
吼吼 回来转转 顶顶
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2008-12-6 00:05:27 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2008-12-8 10:18:15 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-10 12:56:22 | 显示全部楼层
SX1 睡着了
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发表于 2009-1-10 14:02:15 | 显示全部楼层
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